Interrogate HN: What are your oldest “online” accounts still in use?

My Gmail story could be Two decades primitive in a few months. I could presumably well well still like win admission to to my Hotmail story created circa 1998/1999 but I’m scared to like a examine in there.

I’ve still obtained an ICQ number that works, though I’ve no longer used it (sooner than at the unusual time) in a minimum of a decade, doubtlessly two. Eight-digit starting with 1, so doubtlessly 1997-1998?

I’ve tried a hundred instances to win better my 7 digit ICQ number for the longest time. I think it could presumably well well no longer ever happen.

This changed into once a relaxing one to lookup. eBay 2001, Amazon 1999 (first inform changed into once a e book I major for excessive college as well as VHS tape for the film Heat), but my winner is Yahoo Mail 1997. I’m certain my AIM story could presumably well well be older but is long since deleted.

How prevalent changed into once Amazon in 1999? Turned into it the long-established pickle to inform books, or would your schoolmates come up with a lifeless stare when you talked about that you ordered it from there?

A couple of of my MUD accounts from 1991-1992, which I still infrequently log into infrequently, out of morbid curiousity. They’re inexplicably still online, but effectively ghost towns.

As adversarial to that, doubtlessly my Gmail story from the beta days.

MultiUserDomain – a precursor to at the unusual time’s MMO. It’s likely you’ll presumably well join to an ascii essentially based completely hunch/roleplaying game that others could presumably well well join as well and keep up a correspondence. I played again in the slack 90s.

Multi-User Dungeon; Cf. MUCK for multi-particular person chat kingdom and pals. In actual fact a shared textual vow material-simplest area of chat rooms with a theme and a few built-in game good judgment.

My `` story changed into once created in the mid-Nineties. Active the total time.

My school e-mail addresses were created three a few years ago and are crammed with life at the unusual time. I could presumably well well switch again to using one as my main e-mail address in every single pickle, and develop use it in some areas, however the pobox address grew to alter into the main one after graduation, earlier than the school address changed into once reenabled.

My Amazon story changed into once also created in the mid-Nineties. I applaud the firm for making total possess histories still obtainable.

I’m no longer certain when my `` story changed into once created but it changed into once in the slack Nineties. I like by no methodology ever used the address wherever. It gets heaps of spam.

My eBay story changed into once created in the slack Nineties. Active the total time.

I like a low single-digit Slashdot story.

I even like a sound ICQ story from the Nineties, I think, but by no methodology used it.

My Microsoft login is still a Hotmail story, and I still use my same eBay story from manner again then too. There could be also a discussion board I’ve been a chunk of since I changed into once a kid, and I’m virtually 40 now.

My current story I used to like changed into once, again when they dabbled in particular person ISPs (limitless dialup!). Sadly, they discontinued that carrier after a whereas.

I used to like in reality primitive Steam, Amazon, Slashdot, Fb, and reddit accounts too, but deleted them fervent on assorted causes.

My story ethical renowned Two decades. I logged again on and apprehensive among the primitive boards but did no longer in reality feel the same magic as again in the day. My Steam story could be hitting Two decades rapidly as well

My first Amazon possess changed into once in 1999. eBay would no longer attach purchases that some distance again but it is going to be a identical age.

I like a still-purposeful though now no longer in crammed with life use AOL story which I think is from ~1996 after I changed into once ~9. My parents were subscribers so it changed into once created as piece of their family story.

By the slack 2000s I had migrated to Gmail and changed into once simplest using my AOL story for AIM. At some point a friend texted me to inquire if I could presumably well well like been hacked. It appears to be like my mom’s story–and thus these of mine and my siblings–had been compromised. We would no longer been subscribed for a really very long time, and AOL customer reinforce for story recovery changed into once typically non-existent for non-subscribers.

My brother came about to know Adrian Lamo[1]. Adrian still knew of us on AOL’s security workforce from when he changed into once a thorn in their aspect. He changed into once in a space win our accounts restored and enable extra protections for our accounts. I did a short phone name with him after it changed into once accomplished and thanked him for being so noteworthy more invaluable than AOL. His response changed into once, “I are trying and offer better customer reinforce than the of us I hack.”

I have not used that story for anything rather then recovering other passe accounts of mine since AIM changed into once shutdown, though I wasn’t using it very recurrently by then anyway. Chums had long since migrated to other platforms.

[1] This changed into once doubtlessly 1-2 years earlier than he changed into in Chelsea Manning

I too like an AOL story from 1996. I used to infrequently IM of us with it until about 2015, but have not definitely emailed anybody with it since I cannot be aware when. 2008? It’s definitely my oldest story.

I still like a DynDNS (later Dyn after which obtained by Oracle) story.

It’s kind of amusing since the “Dyn (firm)” Wikipedia page[1] says the firm changed into once founded in 2001, but I’m barely certain I had this story already when years started with 19.


EDIT: Not an online story, but I simplest had a single mobile phone number my total lifestyles.

I attended a talk by the founders in early 2004. It changed into once a non-income hobby mission, so it could presumably well well like existed in some develop earlier than 2001.

I even like an eBay story that I still use from 1999.

The opposite one who folks appear to be impressed with is my Netflix story is from 2003. I changed into once ordering DVDs in school and it blew of us’s minds that I changed into once renting DVDs by the mail at that time. I attempted to aquire their stock again when they tried splitting the firm into two entities. I think the stock changed into once adore $5 at the time. Sadly it changed into once noteworthy more difficult to aquire stock again then.

I do no longer need opinion about Netflix as the carrier is so essentially diversified at the unusual time than it changed into once again then. I first signed up in 2003.

I’ve had my Amazon story since ’98 or so. I still like items on my wishlist from the 90s.

Think of your total database upgrades over time to switch that records forward…

I created an Amazon story when Amazon changed into once barely unusual and ethical sold books. Ordered a few books after which forgot about it. A couple of years later, when Amazon obtained current I attempted to login again and it did no longer work, so I wrote them an e-mail and in vow that they talked about it had been deactivated which ability of inactivity but now they had restored it. Varied instances.

When Amazon obtained in reality colossal and dabbled in the advert business I deleted it, so I have not got it anymore. Handiest created a brand unusual one when the pandemic hit. points to Twitter now, so I imagine that’s why it’s broken

(Except I’m pointing out the glaring unsaid joke)

Correct checked my Amazon historical previous and it goes again to 2001. I be aware clearly that I changed into once ordering from Amazon in 1998 or so, but I think that changed into once definitely on my parents’ story.

Still like my school e-mail address. But none of the purchasers can login until I bodily whisk in and reset the password at helpdesk, 4HELP.

I actively use the eBay story I created in 1998.

And my Slashdot burner story has change into my main story because my main story is tied to my primitive ISP e-mail address. Discovered to by no methodology develop that again.

> And my Slashdot burner story has change into my main story because my main story is tied to my primitive ISP e-mail address. Discovered to by no methodology develop that again.

4 digit story #s with no break in sight 🙂 (in prepare, hadn’t logged in for with no break in sight until now).

There could be a discussion board for a game I used to play on windows 95. It appears to be like my story is still crammed with life on there from around 2001

My Yahoo mail story changed into once created as a Rocketmail story, seemingly in 1996 or 97, when Rocketmail launched and grew to alter into the greatest Hotmail rival.

Yahoo obtained it and it grew to alter into Yahoo mail.

So 27 or 28 years

I direct it be Yahoo for me too. I believed it changed into once a few years older than that, but it could presumably well’t be, because it changed into once launched in ’97, indeed.

    Character created:    Tue Oct  3 09:43:00 1995

A MUD. Still logged in your total time. Had a few characters earlier than that one.

My non-public net keep [1] has been hosted by since 1999. I still edit the HTML recordsdata by hand in a textual vow material editor, and I upload them by dragging them between the windows of an FTP client.


oh. Jesus.

it my Yahoo mail acc.

simplest had ethical win admission to to internet in 2011 – after I entered Uni after which created my Yahoo mail. what a time out.

being from a developing economic system and all, Identity adore to explain that we did like internet but it changed into once hella costly and my family individually could presumably well well no longer find the cash for it.

I ethical fair no longer too long ago switched the e-mail associated with my Xbox story from the Hotmail I created in ’98 or ‘ninety nine to my unusual e-mail address. That Xbox story is seemingly to be the oldest story I’m actively using since it be from around when Halo 2 launched.

I’m certain I like logins for older accounts saved in 1Password, but none of them could presumably well well be anything actively used.

German net keep hoster in ‘ninety nine. They changed their title 3 instances in the period in-between and I still obtained limitless webspace there – any tips what to develop with it? (oh and that i examine, limitless sql databases as well…)

My steam story is barely primitive, too. 2003 (Bought the Two decades of carrier badge lol)

Hm, I still like an AOL e-mail address that my mom made for me after I changed into once 9 years primitive (19 years ago). I be aware signing up for spam commercials (e.g. “YOU WON! Click right here to declare reward”). I spent hours filling out forms to declare the prizes, but nothing ever came. Bummer.

But yeah, that e-mail is mostly trash and I by no methodology use it. I remaining logged into it per chance 3 years ago.

Doubtlessly hotmail from ’96, provoking! I appear to recollect it changed into once invite simplest from a friend at the same time as I changed into once on a contract down in London.
Closed all my other colossal tech accounts over the previous few years, mostly in relate, including finally google this week (html overall mode).

thanks, now no longer works, disgrace, though it changed into once 8 digits, it simplest had 3 diversified digits and ended 000 so nice and simple to be aware.

I’m wondering why I changed into once in a space to log in? I’ve accomplished it periodically for the length of the years — per chance it be saved my story from getting purged?

Mine started with 333, so it changed into once also barely simple to be aware.

Define “online”?

Definite, I like that ebay story that I created when ebay started in 1995, but if we ethical relate “any online carrier”, well, I like bustle my gain e-mail server since 1994, so I assume that predates it. I develop no longer even wish to confess this, but my Yahoo story is still sincere, I examine emails from 1994 also.

If we whisk with e-mail, I changed into once a sysadmin at a college, and a minimum of two professors in our department had emails from the Nineteen Eighties. Their story changed into once the same, and still labored, useless to relate, does that depend?

Amazon, 1996, I think. I equipped Kim Stanley Robinson’s Blue Mars. I obtained a present saying that I changed into once certainly one of their first UK customers, this changed into once earlier than the UK essentially based completely Amazon existed.

And a mousemat with a Groucho Marx quote: “Outside of a canine, a e book is man’s very best buddy. Inside of a canine, it be too darkish to read”.

I changed into once sifting by primitive e-mail fair no longer too long ago and rediscovered my neopets story from early 2000s. I needed to contact then to release it because it had been serene deactivated in the interim but they were friendly about it and I answered some questions and obtained win admission to.

There could be no longer noteworthy going on with neopets when you’re uncommon.. it be typically a zombie IP at this point in phrases of formula / game play.

Not certain which is it, but supposing it be a 20+ year primitive story, it is completely seemingly that:

– the positioning has been hacked doubtlessly dozens of time since I created the story, and my credentials are sold for peanuts as of late.

– the password I used wasn’t very stable in any admire, and it has been cracked and shared in plain textual vow material for years

– the original domain now doubtlessly is in hands of some domain parking bullshit firm, selling commercials.

In all likelihood, my oldest working story must be the NickServ registration on some IRC community. Though I started with IRCNet and I don’t think they had a registration carrier.

I’ve created heaps of of accounts since the mid-Nineties. The finest two accounts I’m able to think that tumble under your description are MySpace and LinkedIn (the latter I joined rapidly after it started, and I direct my MySpace login still works but I have not tried it in years).

I made a rare (for me) mistake early on, using the same password for Fb that I changed into once already using on MySpace. Happily, I did no longer use the same e-mail address, in vow that password changed into once of restricted use to anybody else. These passwords like since been changed, useless to relate.

I’ve had a tiny, shared hosting conception for non-public stuff since tumble of 1999. I fair no longer too long ago talked to an employee who changed into once younger than my story.

ICQ – 6 digit address. It’s 30+ years primitive at this point. I still use it once in awhile.

Sadly, my Compu-Attend story now no longer works. 😐

To in the intervening time, I still be aware my ICQ number from again in the nineties. On the different hand, unfortunately the same would no longer apply to the password and I’m able to’t appear to be in a space to reset it.

I still know my password. 🙂

I did like any individual are trying and take it over a few decade ago, however the e-mail it changed into once linked to changed into once still crammed with life, so GL!

Apparently, a 6digit address is fee about $50 on Ebay, or changed into once the remaining time I checked.

> I did like any individual are trying and take it over a few decade ago

I both did no longer like mine linked to a recovery e-mail or misplaced win admission to to that e-mail story. Tried to win again into the story somewhere in the aughts but now no longer knew the password, and thus changed into once out of success. But then I discovered some years later that any individual else had taken it over, because it changed into once associated with some Russian thing. Oh well.

I’m a chunk younger than some right here, but my teenage tumblr weblog is still online, and my Gmail and Spotify accounts are still the same accounts from when these services were invite-simplest, so 2004 and 2010 respectively.

As an apart, I changed into once reading a review of a e book about Richard Nixon on Amazon fair no longer too long ago, and seen that the review changed into once from 1998.

I like been using E*Substitute (stock brokerage) continuously since slack Nineties. I’m certain I like a few others from the mid-90s, but no simple manner to verify earliest use date without pawing by thousands of primitive emails for story setup confirmations.

It’s going to be close between my gmail (I changed into once invited during the beta in 2004) and my financial institution which would like been 2002/2003 timeframe but I’m able to’t be aware evidently.

I could presumably well well furthermore be aware earlier accounts adore deadjournal, Hotmail, something abominable, but I don’t use these anymore.

I’d forgotten about gmail being in beta adore that — hardly ever surprising, useless to relate! My welcome e-mail confirmed it; it begins “First off, welcome. And thanks for agreeing to lend a hand us take a look at Gmail.” Dated June 2004.

It’s or changed into once once the case that as piece of story recovery Google would inquire you would possibly want to you created your story as a develop of security inquire that applies to all americans, so I’d indicate discretion must you think about making such information public.

I in reality hope they’ve stopped doing that. Now that so heaps of the solutions are going to be “about Two decades ago”, no unswerving users are going to be aware these specifics!

I like a college story from 1995. I like a VWVortex (automobile discussion board) story from 1999. I used to like a sheet of paper with handwritten story information that I know I wrote in 1999-2000, but I’ve misplaced it.

I like a hotmail story from 2000. A wikipedia story from 2006! I do no longer be aware when exactly Gmail changed into once in early beta (2004?) but I did address to register and like used it since.

Additionally like a immense early HN story that I now no longer be aware the password to. So…

I’ve obtained a Yahoo! mail address from the 90s that’s still what I exploit for rando story signups

Is there a manner to examine how primitive the Yahoo story is? Inspire in the times you simplest had some megs of storage obtainable, so my older emails are all deleted…

My main online banking story is from 1998. Enjoy one other cluster of accounts from 1999, things adore eBay & Amazon. Enjoy a domain title, and thus e-mail, that also dates to 1999.

I changed into once fair no longer too long ago in a space to win better an primitive Ultima Online story from 1997, but that feels adore cheating right here.

Wow, I’m deal surprised at the banking story from 1998. That came about fairly rapidly on condition that the win wasn’t in reality on anybody’s radar until 95/96 or so.

It changed into once unusual at the time. I be aware thinking it changed into once immense frigid that it existed in any admire. In addition they had a tele-banking carrier possibilities are you’ll presumably well well presumably still use at the time.

The UI has simplest changed severely 2-3 instances in that duration of time too, though at this point ninety nine% of the time I exploit my smartphone app to win admission to.

A warez discussion board I signed up for in 2011

A soccer messageboard I signed up for 2012

My primitive Reddit accounts that ethical had a username/pw login (no e-mail) were worn out during the total 3rd paty API shift of summer season 2023.

I direct that’d be my Amazon story (mid to finish nineties). As adversarial to that, my Microsoft story, which changed into once once my Skype story from 2003 (IIRC).

Amazon, completely. EBay is number two, though I have not definitely used it in years. (I still win a reverse invoice for a credit they owe from the 90’s. Hilarious.)

My gmail story turns 20 this year. Ebay says I joined in 2001. The winner, to this point, is Amazon; my first inform changed into once in 2000.

Interesting inquire.

I think my oldest story that still works could presumably well well be my Slashdot story in the 70k User ID range.

Per chance my Amazon story.

I’ve been using Gmail since 2006, but I’m now transitioning to iCloud with a personalised domain as piece of my #degoogling efforts.

I like a DSLReports story that is still crammed with life from 1999 or so. Additionally my yahoo e-mail from 1997.

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